
Nancy drives 624 miles in 10 hours, driving the same number of miles each hour. Rebecca drives 660 miles in 12 hours, driving the same number of miles each hour. Which statement correctly compares the number of miles per hour they drove

Accepted Solution

Which statements are true about the ordered pair  (−1, 5) and the system of equations?{x+y=4          x−y=−6Select each correct answer.The ordered pair  (−1, 5) is a solution to the first equation because it makes the first equation true.The ordered pair  (−1, 5) is a solution to the second equation because it makes the second equation true.The ordered pair  (−1, 5) is not a solution to the system because it makes at least one of the equations false.The ordered pair  (−1, 5) is a solution to the system because it makes both